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Serialize/Deserialize Perl Class Objects

  • perl
Today in a small project I need to serialize a perl class object to string in order to cache it. And when getting back the value from the cache I need to deserialize it to original class objects.

There are good articles on the solutions:





First, I tried Data::Dumper which is quite simple. But if you class object has nested reference, when deserializing you will get 'undef' for the reference. E.g., if a part of the dumped sting is like this:

                      bless( {
                               'id' => '1',
                               'date' => '20130618',
                               'date_range' => $VAR1->{'logs'}[0]{'date_range'},
                             }, 'SiteLog::Entity::Log' ),

the data_range you get will be undef.

Finally I tried FreezeThaw, it works fine!


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